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How it Works...

We believe every young person deserves the best, and, with the correct support in the right environment can become engaged, motivated, and empowered.

From a planned starting point almost endless activities based on each individual, and specific interests are used to ensure each young person is engaged in their learning; preparing them to become valued members of society and feel empowered to become the best they can be.

Each young person’s journey begins with a referral from school or current educational setting. Once the appropriate meetings and consents have been approved each young person, helped, with the assistance of their mentor, devise an individual plan. 

Our focus is on helping each young person achieve their own personal goals. We understand the effects of anxiety, stress and trauma. This, combined with numerous life experiences, can have a detrimental affect on a young person's life. OSMIS mentors take this into consideration and use all relevant and available infromation to support the devising of a programme with a young person.

Regaining trust, showing empathy and care and listening to every young person brings about change....

Key point about osmis

  • Our team consists of Qualified Teachers, Behavourial and SEND/SEMH specialists along with primary and secondary specialist mentors.

  • Each young person’s own interests help define their time with OSMIS. They will complete an individual ‘Journey’ .  This documents achievements and helps set SMART goals. It, also, allows for an opportunity to discuss setbacks, a critical factor growing up.

  • Our staff ethos is that every child can succeed. We believe that each member of staff can be a young person’s champion. Young people are more likely to learn and develop from someone with whom they have bonded and we pair each child with the appropriate member of staff.

Students Supported by year group 2022
Year 2
Year 1
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11

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Boys { 128 (87.07%)
Girls { 19 (12.93%)
OSMIS has supported 147 vulnerable young people.

In its four years of operation, OSMIS has supported 147 vulnerable young people with varying degrees of social and emotional difficulties.


  • From the 147 pupils referred 128 were boys and 19 girls. Year 6 saw the biggest percentage with 28 children closely followed by Years 4 & 8 with 14% (20 children)  then years 5,7 both with 18 referrals (18%). There was a rise in year 9 & 10 students up to 7% (11)and 8%(12) respectively with the other year groups at below 6% equalling 10 pupils or less.